BP Technology Challange

The BP Technology  Challenge has begun! It is a time for the students to push their teamwork and creative skills to the limit.

The BP Challenge is a fun event between teams, challenging them to design and develop ‘solutions’ to problems using easily resourced materials, e.g., paper, string, sticky tape.  Over 500 schools participate annually. Visit this website to find more activities you could do at home; http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/teaching-learning/bp-challenge/.

Today/Monday the students were challenged to create a New Zealand Opening Ceremony Uniform for a female athlete. They had to make a jacket and a skirt that they could walk around in using only 6 sheets of newspaper,scissors and sticky tape.

As you can see the students all created amazing uniforms and worked very co-operatively to produce their product.

We have two more challenges this week to undertake. Did your child enjoy the BP Technology Challenge?

Tuesdays challenge was much harder, the students were given sheets of newspaper, wool, sticky tape and scissors to construct a flagpole, the highest flagpole wins. They came up with brilliant ways to keep the pole upright!

The challenge on Thursday was a huge undertaking, the teams had to construct a doll house with 2 rooms, 1 window, 1 functioning door (that could fit a palm sized doll) and work together to do this. Our students were all highly engaged and enjoyed the challenge. Many students managed to complete this challenge, it was great to  hear them discussing ideas and options, listening to each other and planning too! Wow.

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